Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Some more ACA blues

According to the Weekly Standard, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told a crowd in Miami that some folks certainly will see an increase in their health insurance costs.

She said, "There are some individuals who may be looking at increases. I think you cannot make a statement based on cost unless you compare what they had to what they're going into."

It's not so much the simple increase in premiums that bugs me, it's the flawed logic behind Sebelius' and other Dems' reasoning -- What people had was a plan they chose voluntarily based on benefit and cost; what they're going into is a plan the government forced them into.

Watch a video here.

Apply that logic to other things, and it's that much more ridiculous:

  • I bought a $300 computer that works fine for my needs, but the government says I should have a faster one with more accessories that can do more things (which I'll never do with it), so they made me buy a $600 model
  • You live in Florida so you don't have snow tires for your car, but the government says other people live where it snows and *they* need snow tires, so you have to buy them, too.

Generally speaking, the government doesn't care about increased costs. 

For one, if they want something and the cost goes up, they just spend more of taxpayers' money. It doesn't even matter if they *have* the money, they either just take more, or write more rubber checks. They just don't care.

If it's something they personally *do* have to pay for, it doesn't hurt them because they make more money than average folks, and if their budget becomes tight, they'll just vote themselves raises. They have no concept of budgets. For some people, if one bill goes up, something else has to go down. The first things to go are savings and discretionary spending, which takes a toll on the economy. Next comes "luxury" bills, such as cable TV. For others, those avenues have long been closed, and they have to start whittling away at the essentials. 

So, for some of those people, it might make more financial sense to skip insurance and pay the fine, so those folks go from having insurance to not having it. Thanks, government!

And of all this, the main beneficiary is insurance companies. So, how hard is it to think that there's some sort of kickback going on here? Just wondering.

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