Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hypocrisy in the City

Residents of New Haven's East Rock neighborhood complained to police about coverage at a meeting in response to a home invasion recently in which a trio of teenagers broke into a house, beat a 55-year-old woman and stole things.

The kicker came when a resident of the nearby Newhallville neighborhood -- a crummy place, for sure -- said this:

“I don’t mean to minimize what’s going on over here on your side of town and I feel badly for the person that got injured,” she said, declining to give her name, “but if you step over onto the other side of the hill, you’ve got every day stuff looking at your face. You even have drug dealers talking to you, telling you ‘What are you saying? What do you mean we can’t be on this corner? Who are you?’”

This made me very angry.

People say this -- they complain about this type of activity in their neighborhood -- but then, when the cops arrest the people committing the crimes, "activists" come out complaining about the arrests.

You can't have it both ways. If you want the crime to stop, that can only be achieved by getting rid of the criminals.

But in New Haven, it seems like whenever a criminal is arrested, the "activists" (around here, that means "people with too much free time") there's suddenly a movement against the cops, because either the criminal is black/Hispanic -- which of course means that cops are targeting blacks and Hispanics -- or the criminal fights with the cops and gets his ass kicked, leading the "activists" to then complain about "brutality."

If the people in New Haven are tired of crime, then they have to stop protecting the criminals.

Yes, it really is that simple.

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